St. John Nepomucene (Feast Day May 16)
1345 – 1393
St. John was born in the town of Pomuk (later Nepomuk) in Bohemia around the year 1340. After being cured of a childhood disease through the prayer of his parents, John studied for the priesthood in Prague and Padua. After ordination, he was assigned to a parish in Prague where he gained a reputation as a great preacher. King Wenceslaus IV heard of him and invited him to become the confessor for the royal court around the year 1379. In 1393, the king asked what his beautiful wife had confessed, but John would not reveal her confession despite the king’s attempted bribes and torture. Finally, the king had him burned, tied to a wheel, and thrown off a bridge into a river. His body was found the next day, and he was immediately revered as a saint. He was canonized in 1729 by Pope Benedict XIII.
· Consider the power in invoking the name of Jesus. Where else in the Gospels does Jesus encourage us to invoke his name? (Hint: John 14:14)
· In what way do my actions lead people toward holiness or lead them toward sin?
· In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses graphic imagery to depict the seriousness of the consequences of sin. Although Jesus is not being literal about cutting off one’s body part, he is trying to make clear that sin can have eternal consequences. Do you think people today take the consequences of sin seriously? What is it that we can do to receive forgiveness for sins?
· St. John Nepomucene was a confessor to the royal court who took seriously the seal of confession. Share a time when you had a powerful moment of grace in the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Visit a Cider Mill
Fall is a beautiful season in Michigan. Enjoy the beauty of the season by visiting a cider mill. While you’re there, consider stopping in the bakery, going for a hayride, visiting the petting zoo, and picking some delicious Michigan apples.
Baked Apples
Sin entered the world when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. There is nothing forbidden about enjoying this recipe using freshly picked apples.
4 large apples
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 cup chopped pecans (optional)
1/4 cup currants or chopped raisins
3/4 cup boiling water
Preheat your oven to 375 F. Cut out holes in apples for stuffing: Rinse and dry the apples. Use a sharp paring knife to cut out the cores. First cut out the stem area and then use a small metal spoon to scoop out the seeds. Cut the holes so that they are an inch or so wide. Leave the bottom ½ inch of the apples intact. Place the brown sugar, cinnamon, currants or chopped raisins, and chopped pecans (if using) in a small bowl and stir to combine. Put the apples in a baking dish and stuff each apple with the sugar stuffing mixture. Place a dot of butter on top of the sugar. Pour the boiling water into the bottom of the baking dish. Bake at 375 F for 30 to 45 minutes, until the apples are cooked through and tender, but not overcooked and mushy. When done, remove the apples from the oven and baste them with the juices from the pan. Serve with a side of vanilla ice cream.
The Confiteor
This prayer, which is often said at the beginning of Mass, helps us to take direct responsibility for our sins and names sin in the areas of thoughts, words, actions, and omissions. It also includes a bodily gesture to show repentance and calls on the Church in heaven and on earth. Pray this as a family, thinking deeply on the words to examine one’s conscience.
I confess to almighty God
and to you, my brothers and sisters,
that I have greatly sinned
in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done
and in what I have failed to do,
(strike your fist over your heart for the bolded lines)
through my fault,
through my fault,
through my most grievous fault;
therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
all the Angels and Saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.
The Archbishop of Detroit tells priests where to serve. The Archbishop picked a priest to serve at your parish. Ask your priest how he heard Jesus call him to the priesthood.
This week, make an extra effort to distance yourself from those things that cause you to sin and focus on living a life of holiness.
Today is Priesthood Sunday! Thank your priest today and say a prayer for him!