Bl. Franz Jägerstätter (Feast Day June 7)
May 20, 1907 – August 9, 1943
Franz Jägerstätter was born in Upper Austria as the child of a farm maidservant, Rosalia Huber. Franz lost his father during World War I and was adopted after Heinrich Jägerstätter married his mother. As a young man, he loved to ride his motorcycle and was the natural leader of a gang whose members were arrested in 1934 for brawling. For three years he worked in the mines in another city and then returned to his hometown, where he became a farmer and married Franziska Schwaninger, a deeply religious woman. Inspired by his wife, Jägerstätter began to study the Bible and the lives of the saints.
In 1939, he was drafted into the Austrian army. When he refused to take the oath of loyalty to Hitler and perform military service with a weapon, he was imprisoned in Linz, Austria where he was tortured and bullied for two months. Franz believed that he could not be both a Nazi and a Catholic, and that there were some things in which one must obey God more than men. While he was tempted to lose his faith, God’s presence was with him which helped him to persevere.
Franz learned that one year before, a priest had refused to perform military service for the same reasons as his and had died for his convictions. This news gave Franz the support and comfort he needed in order to stay strong in his convictions. On August 9, 1943, Franz Jägerstätter was beheaded. He was beatified in Linz on October 26, 2007.
· Why is it important to love God above all else?
· Jesus commands us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. How can I be better at that?
· Share some examples of what it means to love your neighbor as yourself.
· Do you think Bl. Franz Jägerstätter was right for standing up for his convictions? Why or why not?
Q-Tip and Finger Painting
Using a Q-tip or your fingers, paint the different phrases from the Gospel, various saints, or others who have helped you grow in faith. Then post them around the house. You will need various colors of paint, paper (or paper plates), paint brushes, water, and newspaper or something to keep the paint from getting on the floor.
Hot Roast Beef Party Sandwiches
Consider inviting your neighbors over to enjoy this meal. This is a great recipe whether you are hosting people or simply gathering with your family.
2 (9-oz) pkgs. dinner rolls
2/3 cup peach preserves
½ cup mustard/mayo blend (Grey Poupon has a great dijon blend)
¾ lb. thinly sliced deli roast beef
½ lb. thinly sliced Havarti cheese
salt and pepper to taste
Remove rolls from packages. Do not separate rolls. Cut rolls in half horizontally, creating one top and one bottom per package. Spread preserves on top side of rolls; spread mustard-mayo on bottom side of rolls; top with beef and cheese. Sprinkle with salt and pepper if desired. Put two halves together, preserves side down, and wrap in aluminum foil. To make ahead, prepare recipe until this point. Freeze up to one month and thaw overnight in refrigerator and bake as directed. Bake at 325 F for 20-25 minutes or until cheese is melted. Slice into individual sandwiches. Optional: Add ½ cup toasted walnuts to add crunch.
Prayer for Vocations
Loving and Generous God,
it is you who call us by name
and ask us to follow you.
Help us to grow in the love
and service of our Church
as we experience it today.
Give us the energy and courage
of your Spirit
to shape its future
Grant us faith-filled leaders
who will embrace Christ's mission
of love and justice.
Bless our domestic Church and larger community
by raising up dedicated and generous leaders
from our families and friends
who will serve your people as Sisters,
Priests, Brothers, Deacons and Lay Ministers
through marriage or the single life.
Inspire us to know you better
and open our hearts
to hear your call.
We ask this through our Lord.
Adapted from Prayer #3 found at
What colors and/or designs do you see in the stained-glass windows at your parish? Do they look different outside than they do inside?
Think about something for which you need more courage. Write (or draw) it on a piece of paper. Ask one family member to pray for this intention for a whole week.
The first full week of November is National Vocation Awareness Week. Take time this week to ask God how he is calling you to serve his Church. Also, pray for those discerning the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life.