Bl. Stanley Rother (Feast Day July 28)
March 27, 1935 – July 28,1981
Stanley Francis Rother grew up on a farm in Oklahoma and attended Holy Trinity Catholic Church and School. He worked hard doing chores, attended school, played sports, was an altar server, and enjoyed the activities associated with growing up in a small town. While in high school, he began to discern the possibility of a vocation to the priesthood. After high school, he went to seminary and was ordained a priest. After five years, Fr. Rother received permission to join the staff at the Oklahoma diocese's mission in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala. He served the native tribe of the Tz’utujil. Fr. Rother learned Spanish and the Tz’utujil language. He celebrated Mass in their language and helped translate the New Testament.
Fr. Rother was surrounded by extreme poverty among the Tz’utujil, who were living in one-room huts growing what they could on their small plots of land. He ministered to his parishioners in their homes eating with them, visiting the sick and aiding them with medical issues. He even put his farming skills to use by helping them in the fields, bringing in different crops, and building an irrigation system.
While he served in Guatemala, there was a civil war and the Catholic Church was caught in the middle due to its emphasis on catechizing and educating the people. During this conflict, thousands of Catholics were killed. For his safety, Fr. Rother returned home to Oklahoma, but didn’t stay long, as he was determined to give his life completely to his people, stating that “the shepherd cannot run.” He returned to Santiago Atitlan to continue the work of the mission.
Within a few months, he was executed. On Dec. 1, 2016, Pope Francis officially recognized Fr. Rother as a martyr for the faith. He is the first martyr from the United States and the first U.S.-born priest to be beatified. The Rite of Beatification was held on Sept. 23, 2017, in downtown Oklahoma City – an event attended by more than 20,000 people from around the world.
· How did Jesus multiply the loaves and fish in order to feed the 5000+ people who were there?
· How does today’s Gospel remind you of Mass?
· In the Gospel, the young boy shared what he had with Jesus. How can you share your gifts and talents with Jesus?
· Bl. Stanley Rother returned back to Guatemala to minister to his people in spite of the danger there. In what way does Fr. Rother remind you of Jesus?
Family Picnic
Just like the crowds reclined in a grassy place in today’s Gospel, do the same by planning a picnic in a park or in your backyard. Pack your favorite food and some bread to recall today’s Gospel story. Bring plenty of water, fresh fruit, and vegetables to keep everyone hydrated. Bring along at least one large blanket. The blanket can be used as a tablecloth for the picnic table or on the ground providing a comfortable spot to sit and eat. Pack a few damp wash cloths inside a resealable bag, which can be used to clean a picnic table and little ones’ hands before (and after) eating. Be sure to bring along a few simple toys and games for your kids too (sports balls, jump rope, sidewalk chalk, etc.). If the weather does not cooperate, move the picnic indoors. Just set-up a blanket on the floor and enjoy!
Pasta with Smoked Salmon Cream Sauce
Jesus fed over 5000 people with only two fish. This recipe needs only one. Enjoy!
1 – 8oz. can chicken stock
1 cup whipping cream
¼ cup chopped fresh dill or 2 tsp dried dill weed
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
12 oz. tagliatelle or linguine, freshly cooked
4 oz. smoked salmon, cut into thin strips
feta cheese
Bring chicken stock & cream to boil in heavy large skillet over high heat. Reduce heat & simmer until mixture thickens enough to coat a spoon, whisking occasionally about 10 minutes. Whisk in dill and lemon juice. Add pasta & toss to coat. Remove skillet from heat. Add salmon; toss to combine.
Add feta & capers. Season to taste with salt & pepper. Makes 4 servings.
Grace Before and After A Meal
Today, say grace before and after your meal. You can use your own words to say grace or the commonly used prayers below. Think about the words of the prayer and discuss what they mean to you as you share your meal.
Grace Before Meals
Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Grace After Meals
We give Thee thanks for all Thy benefits, O Almighty God, who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
The priest says a prayer called a collect (pronounced: call-eckt) after the Gloria that varies week to week. Before he starts speaking, there is time for silence and for us to pray in our hearts. He then “collects” those prayers and lifts them up in prayer. What prayer intentions do you bring to Mass today?
Feed the hungry in your area by donating non-perishable food items to a local food bank.
We celebrate the feast of Blessed Solanus Casey on July 30th. Blessed Solanus lived in Detroit and was beatified at Ford Field on November 18, 2017. Blessed Solanus was known for praying for people’s intentions. Many healings are attributed to his intercession, even when he was alive. We continue to pray for his canonization. Don’t forget to ask Fr. Solanus to pray for your prayer intentions!