St. Longinus (Feast Day October 16)
d. 1st Century
St. Longinus is the centurion who pierced the side of Our Lord while He was hanging on the Cross. It is said that when he threw his spear into Christ’s side, some of the blood and water from Jesus’ wound fell into Longinus’ eyes, healing him of his cataracts and leading to his conversion. St. Longinus then converted, left the army, took instruction from the apostles, and became a monk in Cappadocia. There he was arrested for his faith, his teeth forced out and tongue cut off. However, St. Longinus miraculously continued to speak clearly and managed to destroy several idols in the presence of the governor. The governor, who was made blind by the demons that came from the idols, had his sight restored when St. Longinus was beheaded. The blood of St. Longinus came into contact with the governor’s eyes and healed him. St. Longinus' relics are now in the church of St Augustine, in Rome. Longinus’ spear is one of the many relics of Christ, and it can be found in St. Peter’s Basilica.
· Why do you think the people in today’s Gospel story were astonished at Jesus’ teaching?
· The Gospel tells us that Jesus has authority over unclean spirits. Have you ever thought about how powerful Jesus is? Is there anything that Jesus can’t do?
· What would it be like to see Jesus performing the mighty acts we hear in the Gospels?
· What was it like for St. Longinus before and after Jesus’ death on the Cross? How can we live showing our lives are different because Jesus died on the Cross for us?
Have each family member create a 5x5 bingo board (either print one out or just draw it on a regular piece of paper). In a random pattern, fill the squares with numbers, letters, words, or pictures. If using words or pictures, you may want to choose a theme such as football. Whatever answers are on the board, write them on a slip of paper and put them in a bowl. Have one person pick a slip of paper and call out the answer. Participants cover the square that was called if it is on their board. The first person to get 5 squares covered across, down, or on the diagonal wins! Consider having small prizes for the winner or let them be the one to call the answers next.
Kielbasa with Veggies
Carrots are sometimes associated with St. Michael the Archangel. Enjoy this recipe before praying the Family Prayer this week.
4 pieces fresh Kowalski sausage (also can use Italian sausage)
3 bell peppers (any colors)
2 small zucchini
2-3 carrots
1 lb. red or gold potatoes (cut into small pieces)
Slice vegetables and put in a baking pan. Cut kielbasa into 3 or 4 inch slices. Mix vegetables and sausage. Pour over olive oil, add Italian herbs (thyme, basil, oregano, rosemary, garlic, pepper, salt). Mix all together. Bake in over for 50 min-1 hr at 400 F.
Adapted Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle;
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray.
And do you, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God
thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls.
In your Name Lord Jesus Christ,
we pray that you would cover us,
our work to Unleash the Gospel in the Archdiocese of Detroit,
our families, and all our possessions,
with your love and your Most Precious Blood
and surround us with your heavenly angels,
saints and the mantle of Our Blessed Mother.
For you live and reign for ever and ever.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus taught in the synagogue. In what way do we hear Jesus’ teaching at Mass?
As a family, pick a day to fast or give up something you enjoy for the spiritual benefit of another person (i.e. for an increase in faith, for healing of an illness, etc.).
Synagogue is a Greek word that literally means a gathering of people. In the time of Jesus, a synagogue was a place where Jews gathered, worshiped, prayed, and learned. In the Jewish religion, the sabbath was observed on Saturday. However, Christians worship on Sunday because Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday.